Library Program Proposal Library Program Proposal Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Name *FirstLastEmail *Please enter your email so we can follow up with you.Please describe your program *Have you presented at Loomis Library before? *YesNoIf yes, please give detailsWhat age group is your target audience? *Preschool (2-5 years)Youth (5-12 years)Teen (12-18 years)Adults 18+OtherWhat is the approximate length of your program, including set-up time? *What is the size of your expected audience? *Under 2020-5050-100100+What time of day would you like to present your program? *MorningAfternoonEveningNo PreferenceIs your program seasonal in nature, or is there a time of year you would prefer to present your program? *What is your proposed cost? *Is this fee negotiable? *YesNoWhere have you presented before? *Do you have a website? If yes, please enter website belowPlease supply a few references with contact information: How and when can we best contact you? Please note: We will be in touch only if we are able to schedule your program. *PhoneSubmit Program Proposal